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Refining Search Results

Refining search results

Criteria for filtering

On the left of the search screen, there are facets to filter and limit search results. Here are the criteria for filtering.

Availability, Library, Resource Type, Language, Creation Date, Subject, MeSH, Creator, Location, Classification NDC, Institution, Place, Genre


The numeral in parentheses next to a criterion shows the number of records filtered by the criterion.

Narrowing down search results

In order to include records that match particular criteria

Put a check mark in the empty box on the left of the corresponding criterion. If you combine 2 or more criteria, repeat the procedure. After putting check marks, click APPLY FILTERS on the lower left of the screen.
<Example>The items not available online, mostly the print items, are extracted from search results.

Active filters are shown on top. You may remove them by clicking on  or undefined .

In order to exclude records that match particular criteria

Click on the right of the corresponding criterion. 
<Example>The items not available online, mostly the print items, are excluded from search results.

In order to combine 2 or more criteria

Include or exclude criteria you want to use, then click  APPLY FILTERS on the lower left of the screen.
<Example>Not-available-online items (mostly print items) that are held by Mita and Kyoseikan are excluded.

Active filters are shown on top. You may remove them by clicking on  or  .

In order to lock criteria

You may lock particular criteria throughout the session. Mouse over an active filter and you will see a padlock-shaped icon . All you have to do is just click the icon. The criterion becomes persistent throughout the session then.
<Example>When "Available online" is locked, KOSMOS always filters search results by the criterion during the session.

Click the padlock-chaped icon once again to unlock.

If you would like to make all filters locked, click on  undefinedbotton.