Keio University
Media Center for Science and Technology
Reference Desk
TEL: 045-566-1477(ext 40307)
8:45-17:00 on weekdays
Online Reference
Academic Year of Submission | PDF Repository for Full Text | Print Copy |
2013- | KOARA (Keio Associated Repository of Academic Resources) |
Available on the second floor of the Main Building |
2001-2012 | ΣStar (Keio Science & Technology Digital Archive) * Only the full text and abstracts published with authors' consent. |
-2000 | None |
[ Searching ]
-You may search the bibliographies of all of the doctoral dissertations on KOSMOS.
-Please search print copy if the PDF file for the full text is not available.
-The bibliographies of the works published between the academic years 1953 to 2012 are searchable on ΣStar as well.
[ Location of Print Copies ]
-All print copies, regardless of submission years, are kept on the second floor of the Main Building.
-The print copies published in the academic year 1993 or prior are arranged in alphabetical order by author's name.
Others are first grouped by degree-granting years, then arranged according to aurhor's name.
-The latest dissertations will be added to our library collection usually in mid-June or mid-December, depending on the semester they are submitted.
[ Making Photocopies ]
-Doctoral dissertations are regarded as publicly published works.
Photocopies are allowed within permitted copyright limits, less than half of the content of a work.
-Some of the dissertations may be photocopied more than half of the content if permitted by the authors.
Please see the sticker on the cover to check the status of the work you would like to photocopy.
"複写可" Photocopy for entire work is permitted.
"要連絡" Contact the author.
"No sticker" No photocopying more than half of the content.
Academic Year of Submission | PDF Repository for Full Text | Print Copy | Location |
2010 Fall- |
ΣStar (Keio Science & Technology Digital Archive) |
None | None |
2000-2010 Spring | NONE Full text is available in print ; Abstracts may be viewd on ΣStar if permitted by authors. |
Can be searched on KOSMOS | Main Building 2F |
-2000 | None |
[ Using ΣStar ]
-ΣStar is accessible only from the Yagami Campus network.
-Those who do not have network account may visit the Reference Desk to view the PDF files. No printing available.
-The latest theses will be added to our library collection approximately 6 months after submission.
[ Location of Print Copies ]
-Print copies of the theses submitted in the spring semester of 2012 or prior are kept on the second floor of the Main Building.
-The theses are first grouped by degree-granting years, then arranged in chronological order.
[ Making Photocopies ]
-Author's permission for photocopying is REQUIRED for every single thesis, for master's theses are not regarded as publicly published works.
-Please see the sticker on the cover to check the status of the work you would like to photocopy.
"複写可" Photocopy for entire work is permitted.
"要連絡" Contact the author.
"No sticker" No photocopying allowed.
We do not collect undergraduate theses.