Below is the information for people affiliated to Keio. (For visitors, please inquire at the Shonan Fujisawa Media Center Reference Desk.)
You can search for bound print theses/dissertations on KOSMOS. By selecting “Theses” in the dropdown list, you can refine your search to only dissertations and theses.
【Graduate School of Media and Governance】
Location: Shonan Fujisawa Media Center, 2F north area movable shelves
Call Number: Master’s theses = TM@ Doctoral dissertations = TD@
Loans: Yes (excluding the ones that cannot be accessed)
For doctoral dissertations, photocopying is permitted within the limits of the copyright law. Dissertations from the 2013 academic year onwards that are published on KOARA can be downloaded from there.
For master’s theses, unless the author’s consent is obtained, photocopying is not permitted (if the permission is not obtained, it would be indicated on the cover).
【Graduate School of Health Management】
Location: Library of Nursing and Medical Care Dissertation/Thesis Corner *However, to access theses/dissertations for which consent to make photocopies has not been obtained, please ask a library staff member, and use in the library only (loans are not permitted).
Call Number: Master’s theses = TM@ Doctoral dissertations = TD@
Loans: Yes (excluding the ones that cannot be accessed)
For doctoral dissertations, photocopying is permitted within the limits of the copyright law. Dissertations from the 2013 academic year onwards that are published on KOARA can be downloaded from there.
For master’s theses, unless the author’s consent is obtained, photocopying is not permitted (if the permission was not obtained, it would be indicated on the cover).
*The Media Center does not collect undergraduate graduation theses. However, students of the Faculty of Policy Management and the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies can access graduation theses from 2010 onward for which the author’s consent has been obtained through the Box. the Box link is on the Message of Also, the booklet Sotstugyo Seisaku Abusutorakuto-shu [Graduation Theses Abstract Collection](2006-2009) is hold in the low bookshelves in the south area on the 2nd floor of the Shonan Fujisawa Media Center.
Shonan Fujisawa Media Center (Library)
Reference desk (1st Floor)
TEL: 0466-49-3433 (ex. 52520)
FAX: 0466-49-1135
Service hours:
9:15 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on weekdays
Online Reference
Our Website
Library of Nursing and Medical Care
TEL: 0466-49-6204 (ex. 55253)
FAX: 0466-49-3298
Service Hours :
Weekdays 9:15 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Online Reference
Library Website