Remote access service allows off-campus access to eResources.
The access is limited to faculty/staff members, graduate/undergraduate students, and correspondence students who meet specific requirements as defined in the vendor contract.
Here are the methods of remote access available:
All the above require authentication using Keio ID.
Please refer to the following web page for more details on and Keio ID.
About *The web page is a part of the Information Technology Center's website.
If your home campus is Shonan Fujisawa, you can also use a VPN. Click here for more information.
To access the full text, click on the links provided in the KOSMOS search result. For more detailed instructions, please refer to KOSMOS HELP.
When accessing databases, start from Database NAVI first. The link to the navigation is on the top page of our official website or the tab on the KOSMOS screen.
This access method is available only to graduate/undergraduate students. If you are a correspondence student, please select other options.
You can also access some eResourses using Gakunin. Click here for details.
If your home campus is Shonan Fujisawa, you can use a VPN. For more information, click here.
Need help with remote accessing?
Ask a reference librarian on any campus, or contact us online.
Need help with or Keio ID?
Reach out to the Keio Information Technology Center on your home campus.