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Keio University Research NAVI

Basic Tips: Searching and Reference/Citation Management

This guide, targeted mainly for undergraduate students, is designed to help you work on assignment and graduation thesis.

Searching Keio University's Library Collections

1. Searching  KOSMOS

KOSMOS is the online catalog for Keio University's library collections. It is freely accessible. Most of our collections are included in the catalog. It enables you to search library materials by title, author's name, publisher, etc.

 Read KOSMOS Help for more details and tips.


2. How the Books Are Arranged

Books on the shelves are arranged in call number order. A call number is a set of numbers and characters that is given to a library material for the purpose of locating it in the library. Note that the at sign is used as a separator. The call number is printed on the spine label as shown below:

 (e.g., The Autobiography of Fukuzawa Yukichi; the call number: B@289.1@F1@6).

A call number includes an NDC number that classifies the book into its subject field. The books on a same subject are arranged together consequently. Note the books purchased from the faculty budget are applied to other classification rule, and the call numbers of those items look quite different from the above.

 *Journals do not have a call number. They are arranged in alphabetical order by title. For Japanese journals, romanize the titles to figure out the order; e.g., 文芸春秋 is romanized as 'Bungeishunju,' and is found on the shelf including the journal titles starting with BU.


3. Location of the Library Materials

The location is assigned according to the type, publication year and subject of the library material. It is shown on the KOSMOS record of each item. Also, check the floor map for the exact location.

Searching Journal Articles

1. Choosing Databases

The Database NAVI helps you find databases that match your purposes and needs. We currently subscribes to hundreds of databases, and it is important for you to choose ones that are appropriate for your research. The navigation allows you to access various types of databases. Some databases index, abstract, and provide full-text access to journal articles. Others provide newspaper articles, statistics, fact data, etc.

The Database NAVI is equipped with filters that enable you to search databases on specific disciplines, or narrow down your choices by database types. It also shows you if a database is capable of remote access. 

*CiNii Research, the largest bibliographic database in Japan, is partially accessible via KOSMOS. Try searching using 'Article' scope then you will get some results from CiNii Research regardless of the University's holdings.

2. Interpreting Search Results and Availability of Journal Articles

A search result gives you the article's bibliographic information which consists of article title, author or editor, journal title, volume and issues, pages, etc. The information is necessary to identify and locate the article.


The example below is a screenshot of a search result from EBSCOhost. The below figure shows you how to interpret the information: The article title is "Fukuzawa Yukichi and religion"; the author is Takashi Koizumi; the article is found on the p.109 of the Volume 4, Issue 2 of the journal "Asian Philosophy"; the issue has been published in October, 1994, and the article is 10 pages long. In order to figure out if Keio University subscribes to the journal title, click the banner of Keio University which is actually a link to KOSMOS.

Searching Journal Articles Manually: Take Advantage of Bibliographies

The bibliography or list of references, which appears after the body of an article, is a good choice for searching and collecting articles manually. The bibliography includes cited sources used for writing the article. It means that the bibliography includes academic works that are highly relevant to the article. Pick up one of the cited works, and look up its bibliography. Now you can find another set of relevant works. 

How to Access Materials Not Available at Keio University

Although our library is one of the largest in Japan, our collections are not complete. Here are the services that enable you to access the materials not available at Keio University:

 Borrowing from libraries outside Keio

Requesting photocopies from libraries outside Keio

Visiting other university libraries *Note that a letter of introduction is required and you need to request it in advance.

Purchase request *If approved, the requested item will be purchased and added to our collections.


Before placing a request, read the link thoroughly. If you plan to visit Waseda or Hitotsubahsi University Libraries, make sure to check the webpages Visit Waseda University Library or Visit Hitotsubashi University Library. Those libraries are our partnership libraries, and the services provided are different from other university libraries

Managing References and Citations

The institutional editions of Mendeley and EndNote Online are available. Your accounts for the reference management tools are effective during your affiliation at Keio University. Click the links for more info and instructions.

More Tutorials

For more turtorials click here. You will find more specific and detailed instructions.

Contact Info (Mita)

Keio University Mita Media Center (Keio University Library): Reference
Links: Online Reference / Website